Short-Term Security And Property Care While You Are Away For The Holidays

Posted on: 3 December 2019

If you are like a lot of people, you tend to go away for the holidays to where the majority of your extended family agrees to meet. Apart from some holiday stress, it is akin to a vacation because you are not expected to get up for work or manage any other tasks in the place where you are staying. However, there is always that nagging thought that something could be wrong with your own home or property while you are away. There is a short-term solution for securing your home and managing related property tasks while you are away. 

Property Management

Property management is typically a service offered by real estate companies to help maintain properties that are currently without owners or whose owners are out of town for extended periods of time. However, some real estate agencies have decided that they are willing to start offering short-term property care and security to homeowners who are away for a week or two during the holidays. The cost is fairly reasonable for the peace of mind you receive. 

This is especially helpful if you need someone to mow the lawn or shovel and clear snow after a storm and if you want someone to put out the trash cans on garbage day and then put the cans back after the garbage has been collected. It also prevents break-ins and thefts from your home because the property manager checks doors, locks, and windows all the way around your house and your garage every couple of days. If something looks suspicious, the property manager will contact you and then the local police. 

The Presence of Someone Working on the Property Deters Intruders and Thieves

When it becomes apparent that a home is vacant, it becomes the potential target of break-ins and theft. If you have a property manager checking on things every couple of days while you are gone during the holidays, this deters the intruders and/or thieves because they could be caught during a routine property check. You can even request specific days and times for the property checks to really throw off any plans intruders or thieves might have in regards to your property. 

Want Your Home Toasty When You Return?

If you are heading south to meet family for the holiday season, you can leave a key with the property manager. The property manager, upon request, can turn your heat up to a comfortable temperature on the day of or the day before you return so that your home is cozy and ready for your return.
