First-Time Home-Seller? Follow These Tips

Posted on: 15 March 2019

If it's time to move up to a bigger, nicer home, prepare yourself. It can be quite an experience to have strangers peeking into your closets. If you follow the helpful advice below you can be ready when the time comes, however. Read on to ensure that your home gets sold quickly and for a great price.

Speak to an Agent

This is no time to go it alone. Agents can tour your home and offer you help and support when it comes to showcasing it, pricing it, showing it, and marketing it.

Price is of prime importance – set too low and you are losing money, set too high and it will sit unsold for months and months. Setting the price is where real estate agents shine. They use market research and comparable prices to help you set a price that is just right. Additionally, they are there to guide you through every step of the selling process.

Remember – it's a Business Proposition

Separating your emotions from a home sale is vital. Once you make the decision to sell your home, you are entering into a business transaction. You cannot expect buyers to see your home in the same way you see it, so don't be surprised when they don't fully appreciate your choice in flooring or paint colors.

It might be helpful to cast your thoughts back to the purchase of your home to put yourself in the mindset of buyers. While your home will always contain memories, becoming too emotionally involved in the sale could prevent you from accepting perfectly good offers just because you don't like the buyers.

Make it Attractive to Buyers

Buyers are looking for more than just four walls – they are taking part in the American dream. The closer you can make your home look like their dream home the faster and easier it will sell. Ask your agent about needed updates, home staging, decluttering, and more ways to make your home more attractive to buyers.

Timing is Everything

If you want to garner more interest, try to sell your home almost anytime other than the cold and dark days of winter. Buyers are more likely to stay home in cold weather and with winter comes holidays that invite travel and keeping too busy to look at homes for sale. Additionally, families often prefer to move during the long summer vacation and will begin their searches in the spring. Unless the need to sell is great, wait for the sunnier, warmer months to place your home on the market.

Talk to your real estate agent to find out more about how to sell your home for the first time.
