Deal Breakers Found During Home Inspections

Posted on: 22 December 2018

One of the key steps you should always take when you are purchasing a home is getting an inspection of the house, and this is called a home inspection. This inspection is designed to help you fully understand the condition of every part of the home you want to buy, and there are certain things a home inspection can reveal that should cause you to really question buying this particular home. In fact, there are three things a home inspection can reveal that are often considered deal breakers in a home purchase deal.

Foundation issues

A compromised home foundation is probably one of the worst problems a home can have, as the foundation holds up every part of the house. It is not always obvious when a foundation has issues, but inspectors are trained to know what to look for. They can find foundational issues by looking for cracks in the foundation and in many other ways. If your home inspector tells you that there is some concern about the foundation, you might want to consider finding a different house to buy.

Mold and water damage

A second issue that is often a deal breaker in home sales is mold and water damage. While water damage can lead to foundational issues, it can also lead to mold problems. Mold problems and water damage are both considered extreme issues, and both can cost a lot of money to fix. If a home has mold in it, for example, the mold might not be visible, simply because mold likes to hide in walls and other secret areas. Getting the mold out of these places is not easy, yet it is essential as mold can be toxic to live with.

Outdated electrical system

The other issue that could be a deal breaker is an old, outdated electrical system. Outdated electrical systems pose risks and problems to homeowners. One of the risks is that there could be a short somewhere in the system which could lead to an electrical fire. A problem an outdated system could have is that it may not be able to support all the electrical things you own, and you could end up tripping fuses and breakers often.

If you discover any of these types of issues from the home inspection, you may want to back out of buying the house you wanted to buy. These are big issues that are costly to repair. If you would like information about homes for sale, contact a real estate agency.
